Hotel Consulting
in the field of renovation
in the field of renovation

Hotel Consulting
in the field of renovation
in the field of renovation
Of course our consultancy service for the hotel sector also applies to properties which may possibly require renovation work.
Constant innovations are essential in order to be able to position yourself successfully on the hotel market in the long term. As a hotel operator you may find yourself faced with the challenges of renovations. Zarges von Freyberg Hotel Consulting advises clients from the hotel sector individually with regard to upcoming renovation projects. Together we ensure that your hotel can achieve its maximum potential in future.
Procedure for renovations
- Analysis of the starting situation with the help of a Mystery Guest Check
- Examination of the current positioning strategy as well as the organiation and staff structure by means of an operations management analysis
- Brief study of the location, market and competition situation at the micro- and macro-location
- Examination of the profitability over the last three business years
- Development of a future positioning strategy including target groups, brand core values and unique features
- Outline of a catalogue of measures for the optimisation in the areas yield, organisation, marketing concept and investment
- Development of a profitability forecast for the period after the re-positioning as well as an assessment of the profitability and sustainability of the project based on this assessment
Forms of consultancy
Renovation expertise
Concept paper
Profitability forecast
Measures plan
Comments by our clients

Hotel Schnitzer
“After over ten years of cooperation with Zarges von Freyberg Hotel Consulting which invariably inspired complete confidence we have now actually succeeded in fulfilling our greatest wish, to completely renew our hotel with a perfectly planned concept.”
Franziska Betz
Managing Director

Kreissparkasse Miesbach-Tegernsee
“For us and especially also for our customers, the professional and target-oriented advice from Zarges von Freyberg Hotel Consulting represents a considerable added value. The concepts they developed form a very good basis for financing decisions both for prospective investment financing and in order to overcome crisis situations.”
Dr. Martin Mihalovits
Chief Executive

We look forward
to receiving your call.
to receiving your call.
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hearing from you.
We shall be pleased to advise you by telephone and look forward to hearing from you.
+49 89 5 20 31 05-0