credit institutes

credit institutes
Investors for Hotel Properties & Credit Institutes
Both investors and credit institutes want to ensure that their capital in connection with hotel properties and projects has been invested sustainably. The aim of any investment project is the highest possible secure return on the investment.
In-depth knowledge of the special characteristics of hotel properties and the hotel market is essential for this. Zarges von Freyberg Hotel Consulting will support you in your enquiries both regarding existing hotels and also within the framework of hotel developments. We support banks when it is a question of the financing of new hotel projects or the optimisation and/or redevelopment of hotel properties from their established customers. With our feasibility analysis we offer investors an in-depth investigation of the chances of success and the viability of a new hotel at a location of their choosing. Additional consultancy services include the determination of a realisable rent for an existing hotel or the search for a suitable hotel operator including support during the contractual negotiations.
As a result of their long-standing consultancy activities, Stephanie Zarges-Vogel, Prof. Dr. Burkhard von Freyberg and their team of consultants can draw not only on their excellent knowledge of the hotel market; they can also claim an extensive network within the international hospitality industry.
We support you with our expert knowledge, especially in the following areas:
If you would like to learn more, take a look at a concrete example and read what our clients say about their cooperation with us. Or better still, phone us or write us an e-mail and agree a first appointment without obligation.
Comments by our clients

Kreissparkasse Miesbach-Tegernsee

Warth & Klein Grant Thornton

ZAR Real Estate Holding
to receiving your call.
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We shall be pleased to advise you by telephone and look forward to hearing from you.
+49 89 5 20 31 05-0