Managing restaurants

Springer Gabler
1st edition
Axel Gruner · Burkhard von Freyberg · Moritz Euchner

Getting started in gastronomy but also running an established restaurant is not as easy as is often assumed. Unfortunately, “tapping a beer and roasting a schnitzel” is not enough.

Company founders should gather several years of professional experience before starting and have enough capital on their side that they can get by without operating income for at least two years. But even if this is the case, entrepreneurs cannot afford to make any major business mistakes, as statistics show that more than half of new restaurateurs have to close after less than two years. The only thing left behind is usually high debts and the experience of failure.

The book Managing Catering is an excellent example of how the (prospective) host proceeds strategically and operationally, how unnecessary costs are avoided and revenue opportunities are exploited. A must read for restaurateurs!

The book is here available on the publisher's website.

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