Profitability calculation and planning

Economic calculation & audit

A well-founded profitability calculation forms the basis for the economic success of your hotel project. This profitability calculation also includes a Profitability assessment of the hotel project. As a management consultancy specializing in the hotel industry, Zarges from Freyberg Hotel Consulting is familiar with hotel-specific forecast calculations as well as current Industry benchmarks.

Profitability calculation & audit procedure

  • Determination of expected earnings based on a market-compliant and target group-specific pricing policy
  • Determination of the expenditure structure of individual cost items using benchmark and experience values (e.g. use of goods, maintenance) as well as detailed cost statements (e.g. personnel planning)
  • Calculation of operating income in accordance with the SKR 3/4 or USALI chart of accounts adapted to the hotel industry and subsequent statement of the expected profitability of the project based on the comparison with the investment volume
  • Comparing the result with the investment volume
  • Statement of expected profitability

On request, we will be happy to assist you throughout the development process as part of a detailed feasibility analysis.

Forms of advice

Financial report

Brief feasibility study


Das sagen unsere Mandanten

Silva Mountain

“The well-founded analysis as part of a feasibility study was the most important basis for us to successfully develop our new hotel project. A suitable positioning and a targeted marketing strategy played decisive roles, with Zarges from Freyberg Hotel Consulting providing us with significant support. What we particularly appreciate about the consultants is their passion for the hotel industry, which they share with us, but also their neutrality when it comes to recommendations and reviews. ”

Ulrich Franzky

International Tourism Organization AG

“Zarges von Freyberg Hotel Consulting helped us make the right decisions for a hotel project in Sicily through a highly analytical approach. We really appreciated the very pleasant and professional cooperation. ”

Mark Iten
Chairman of the Board

Immobilien Freistaat Bayern

“With Zarges von Freyberg Hotel Consulting, we have found a valuable partner who has been supporting us in hotel and tourism-related real estate projects for several years. We particularly appreciate the very individual approach, the comprehensive industry knowledge and the ability to develop innovative concepts for various locations. The reports meet a very high quality standard and always serve as an important basis for us to make decisions. ”

Dieter Knauer

Hotel Gut Immenhof

“We found the advice provided by Zarges von Freyberg Hotel Consulting to be very competent, helpful and pleasant during the construction and pre-opening phase of Hotel Gut Immenhof. We appreciate the flexible design of services according to our wishes — for example in the form of a written strategy paper, an on-site workshop or the organization of a director search. The consultants' well-founded recommendations always provided significant assistance in making important decisions regarding the construction and opening of hotels.” What we particularly appreciate about the consultants is their passion for the hotel industry, which they share with us, but also their neutrality when it comes to recommendations and reviews.”

Ole Marxen
Tell us about your hotel project!
Ihrem Hotelprojekt
Free initial consultation