Investors & Banks

Investors for hotel properties & credit institutions

Both investors as well credit institutions want to ensure that their capital is invested sustainably in connection with hotel properties and projects. The goal of every investment project is the highest and most secure return possible.

In-depth knowledge of Special features of hotel properties and the Hotel markets is essential for this. Zarges from Freyberg Hotel Consulting supports you both with questions about existing hotels and in the context of new hotel developments. banks We provide support when it comes to financing new hotel projects or optimization resp remediation from hotel properties from their customer base. investors We offer with our feasibility analysis an in-depth study of the chances of success and profitability of a new hotel at a chosen one of them location. Other consulting services include the determination of a feasible leasehold of a future hotel or the search for a suitable one hotel operator including support for contract negotiations.

As a result of their many years of consulting work, Stephanie Zarges-Vogel, Prof. Dr. Burkhard von Freyberg and their team of consultants not only have excellent knowledge of the hotel market, but also a extensive network in the international hospitality sector.

We support you with our expertise, particularly in the areas of:

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Kreissparkasse Miesbach-Tegernsee

“For us and especially for our customers, the professional and targeted advice provided by Zarges von Freyberg Hotel Consulting represents considerable added value. The concepts developed are a very good basis for financing decisions both when it comes to upcoming investment financing and when dealing with crisis situations.”

Dr. Martin Mihalovits
Chief Executive Officer

Warth & Klein Grant Thornton

“In joint projects with Zarges von Freyberg, we regularly appreciate their high level of professionalism, personal reliability and perfect cooperation.”

Albert Richard
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